Sutler's Gin 750ML

Award winning citrus forward, modern style, American Gin distilled in Winston-Salem, NC. Citrus, lavender, and coriander lay the firm foundation for this gin, warmed by the spice of juniper, and ornamented with notes of lemon and bitter orange. With its higher than traditional proof and bouquet of herbal aromas, Sutler’s Gin is complex enough to please veteran gin enthusiasts, yet remains approachable for the novice consumer, while being complex enough for the cocktail bartender. On the nose, it is soft and pleasant and not what you would expect from 94 proof. In the palate, rich juniper notes are balanced by a bold citrus medley, and finished with a soft floral backend. Sutler’s diverse complexity is also met with a competitive price point and serves an amazing addition to your backbar and cocktail program.
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