Wathen's Single Barrel Bourbon 750ML

Wathen's Kentucky Bourbon is a premium Kentucky Bourbon created by Charles W. Medley using the same recipe and techniques that have been handed directly and unchanged through eight generations of the Wathen and Medley families. This bourbon has a nose of vanilla and caramel with apricots and a hint of nutmeg spice and finishes off sweet and fruity with some caramel and oak.
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Painted Pig Smoked Bacon Maple Whiskey 750ML

Painted Pig Smoked Bacon Maple Whiskey commemorates the life-size statues of pigs located throughout Smithfield, VA. This whiskey has a lovely smell of bacon and maple and a smooth and delicious taste unlike anything else. Painted Pig Whiskey is a "grain-to-glass" spirit developed from local Virginia wheat and aged with American Oak before it is infused with a velvety smooth bacon maple taste. This whiskey tastes great neat, on ice, or with your favorite whiskey mixers.